Author and curator of the project
Evgeny NETRA
Organizer TS "TETRA-ART".
Supported by: "Russian Art Week", St. Petersburg Union of Artists, Union of Abstract Artists of Russia, MA "Union of Designers", Eurasian Art Union and other Creative Unions...
Head of the "Photo-Art and Multimedia" section of the Eurasian Art Union.
Participants of the exhibition of past seasons

Expert opinion

ISKAN (Iskander Ilyazov)
"I have participated in two exhibitions of the" Female Image "series - at the Chekhov Center and at the Art Deco Museum. I consider both of them very successful.
The theme of the female image is graceful and, although I am mainly a geometric abstractionist, it is close to me - however, to whom is it not close? I like the composition of the participants, the friendly atmosphere, good venues, and well-designed catalogs. The curator of a series of exhibitions, Evgeny Natra, is a thinking, experienced, understanding, and I feel comfortable with him. I look forward to seeing how he creatively hangs the paintings of the entire exhibition!
It is interesting for me to see how the female image is unexpectedly and convincingly transformed by different authors, how they see the female image. These exhibitions are always interesting! "
Abstract artist ISKAN (Iskander Ilyazov)

Nadezhda Lebedeva
"Woman. How much there is in this word... The world around is changing, new stars disappear and arise in the Universe; the poles of the Earth are shifting, and the woman, as in all times, continues to fulfill her main role - the Giver of life.
But sometimes she herself does not know who else she will have to appear in the next moment - a mother, a lover, a business woman, a muse, or a housewife. In all forms it is organic - such is its nature. And it is very interesting to see what kind of Woman the artists represent in the future. In the future and in time, in the project of Evgeny Natra "FUTURES IMAGE / WOMAN 2020" (Woman of the Future) (within the framework of "Russian Art Week")... I, as the author and curator of the art project "We are Together", would like to cooperate in the future with Evgeny, and to contribute to the disclosure of the image of the Woman - the great and mysterious creature of nature. "
Nadezhda Lebedeva
artist, curator of projects. Member of the Professional Creative Union of Artists.

Olga Petrova
"For several years now, Evgeny Natra, the head of the Tetra Art association, has been holding annual exhibitions dedicated to reflecting the image of a modern woman. The idea is undoubtedly excellent. The inner world of a woman, like her life, is unusually diverse and rich in different nuances, and their recreation allows you to use a variety of techniques and styles .. Therefore, exhibitions are bright, colorful, representing all kinds of contemporary art: painting, graphics, photography, installations, sculpture, assemblages, etc. Realism, abstraction, surrealism, original copyright genres - you can see everything here! And it is infinitely interesting. I look forward to the new exhibition of this series. It will be called "The Female Image of the Future" and it is extremely curious what our wonderful artists will come up with this time. "
Olga Petrova
Professor, Ph.D. Art Historian, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Information and Information Technologies.

Marina Georgieva
"...... The woman of the future will not fit into the modern ideals of beauty, researchers predict. Scientists from Yale University, for example, suggest that the woman will become shorter, there will be practically no blue-eyed representatives, and the female figure will change because of the constant work on the computer. Others believe that women will become more beautiful, slim and perfect, and someone - that will more resemble a robot than a person both externally and internally. Opinions and assumptions - a huge number. Let's dream together and let's join the art project "Female Image of The future "Eugene Natra".
Marina Georgieva - artist, project participant. Member of the EACS

Olfa Petrova
"For several years now, Evgeny Natra, the head of the Tetra Art association, has been holding annual exhibitions dedicated to reflecting the image of a modern woman. The idea is undoubtedly excellent. The inner world of a woman, like her life, is unusually diverse and rich in different nuances, and their recreation allows you to use a variety of techniques and styles .. Therefore, exhibitions are bright, colorful, representing all kinds of contemporary art: painting, graphics, photography, installations, sculpture, assemblages, etc. Realism, abstraction, surrealism, original copyright genres - you can see everything here! And it is infinitely interesting. I look forward to the new exhibition of this series. It will be called "The Female Image of the Future" and it is extremely curious what our wonderful artists will come up with this time. "
Olga Petrova
Professor, Ph.D. Art Historian, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Information and Information Technologies.

Marina Georgieva
"...... The woman of the future will not fit into the modern ideals of beauty, researchers predict. Scientists from Yale University, for example, suggest that the woman will become shorter, there will be practically no blue-eyed representatives, and the female figure will change because of the constant work on the computer. Others believe that women will become more beautiful, slim and perfect, and someone - that will more resemble a robot than a person both externally and internally. Opinions and assumptions - a huge number. Let's dream together and let's join the art project "Female Image of The future "Eugene Natra".
Marina Georgieva - artist, project participant. Member of the EACS

ISKAN (Iskander Ilyazov)
"I have participated in two exhibitions of the" Female Image "series - at the Chekhov Center and at the Art Deco Museum. I consider both of them very successful.
The theme of the female image is graceful and, although I am mainly a geometric abstractionist, it is close to me - however, to whom is it not close? I like the composition of the participants, the friendly atmosphere, good venues, and well-designed catalogs. The curator of a series of exhibitions, Evgeny Natra, is a thinking, experienced, understanding, and I feel comfortable with him. I look forward to seeing how he creatively hangs the paintings of the entire exhibition!
It is interesting for me to see how the female image is unexpectedly and convincingly transformed by different authors, how they see the female image. These exhibitions are always interesting! "
Abstract artist ISKAN
(Iskander Ilyazov)

Nadezdha Lebedeva
"Woman. How much there is in this word... The world around is changing, new stars disappear and arise in the Universe; the poles of the Earth are shifting, and the woman, as in all times, continues to fulfill her main role - the Giver of life.
But sometimes she herself does not know who else she will have to appear in the next moment - a mother, a lover, a business woman, a muse, or a housewife. In all forms it is organic - such is its nature. And it is very interesting to see what kind of Woman the artists represent in the future. In the future and in time, in the project of Evgeny Natra "FUTURES IMAGE / WOMAN 2020" (Woman of the Future) (within the framework of "Russian Art Week")... I, as the author and curator of the art project "We are Together", would like to cooperate in the future with Evgeny, and to contribute to the disclosure of the image of the Woman - the great and mysterious creature of nature. "
Nadezhda Lebedeva
artist, curator of projects. Member of the Professional Creative Union of Artists.
Variety of genres
Painting, graphics, sculpture, photography, decorative arts, textiles
International composition
Participants from Russia and countries of America, Europe and Asia
Integration and support
The most successful works with a large number of points will be submitted for joining the Eurasian Art Union and other professional associations
Expert Council
Professional jury representing more than 20 countries of the world
Made with love
For eight years we have been running the "Female Image" project, giving our ardent love to women
Unlimited participation
Complete carte blanche for creative realization! Only your creativity and your vision